
01489 573276

St John The Baptist Church Of England Primary School

Living, loving, learning with thankfulness and hope

Our Curriculum

St John the Baptist Primary School Curriculum

Living, loving, learning with thankfulness and hope

At St. John the Baptist Primary School, we aim to provide a rich, broad, vibrant curriculum which inspires all our pupils to gain a lifetime love of learning.

Our school values of love, thankfulness and hope permeate through our curriculum and the life of the school and our school community.

Love - We find out about the things we love to do and the many ways that there are to show love to others in our school community and beyond.

Thankfulness - We learn to take notice of the world around us, with gratitude, giving thanks for all we have and our friends, families, connections and experiences.

Hope - We develop skills to persevere and be resilient, seeing mistakes as an opportunity to learn something new and believing that with the right tools we can overcome challenges and difficulties. We develop our understanding of hope as love in action and have many opportunities to extend hope to others.


Our children will be:






Happy, successful motivated learners developing a life   time love and enjoyment of learning

confident and creative

Aspiring to be the best they can be for themselves and others

Resilient to life’s challenges

 Team players taking responsibility for themselves and others with respect 


As we develop children’s knowledge and skills to prepare them for their future, we are ever mindful of the opportunities offered to develop character and raise their aspirations. We help our children understand what it means to be a global citizen who are equipped with the skills to be courageous advocates for change seeking justice and fairness and develop critical and creative thinking skills and empathy and respect for others. We seek to explore with our children what living well means in our community in school, locally nationally and globally.

Our curriculum builds upon the principles of the Early Years Foundation Stage and is effective in fulfilling the requirements of the national curriculum, providing secure knowledge and skills whilst developing our core learning values.

Our learning values: Self-motivation Critical and  creative thinkers


Self-esteem and self-belief

Resilience Responsibility Teamship


If you would like any further information about out school curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

You can access the Primary National Curriculum by clicking on the following link:  Primary National Curriculum 


Year group overviews: 
Early Years 



Year 1 Year 2
 Year 3 Year 4
Year 5 Year 6


Subject Information:
   Art     DT    

MFL     PSHE  
Computing     English   
  Maths    Music  
 PE     RE