
01489 573276

St John The Baptist Church Of England Primary School

Living, loving, learning with thankfulness and hope

Contact Us

School Address - Abshot Road, Titchfield Common, Fareham, PO14 4NH 

Telephone - 01489 573276 

Email - admin@st-johns-titchfield.hants.sch.uk

Admin Officer - Alison Russell

Business Manager - Claire Bentley

SENCo - Catherine Sale

Site Manager - Andy Daw


The school office is open from 8.15 am until 4.30 pm, Monday to Friday.   The school building is open from 7.30 am until 6.30 pm, but please be aware that outside office hours we do not always hear the telephone as it is a very big building.


If you are moving into the local area and would like to know more about the school, please do not hesitate to telephone to make an appointment to view the school and talk to the Headteacher.

Contact Form